Artwork Number 48
Fighting in the Street
Artwork Description
“With this one I was just painting.
I thought I threw it out of kilter by having this orange against the pale yellow. And I thought it wouldn't work.
But I had already started the next painting.
And when you have 660 paintings to do……you can tell the ones that are cracked in holy matrimony, the weaker against stronger of the colours.” Michael laughs.
It is true, Michael has produced over 600 artworks. He didn't set out with that in mind, it is what emerged.
“When it is horizontal it is a battle scene.
The gold ones are the ones on the bottom (loosing side) and the yellow ones are on the top (winning). And there are blokes throwing rocks. There are no machine guns.
The Rolling Stones song “Street Fighting Man” plays in my mind with this piece. “The time is right for fighting in the street, boy” is from that song.” Michael shares as he sings it for us, with his distinctive rock n roll grainy voice, and smiles as he does. You can hear the song here.
“And when it is vertical I can see dancing and it speaks to times when William & Mary of Orange were made King & Queen of England, even though they were from Germany and spoke no English. A convenient political decision. Was there dancing in the street then? Why was there no dancing in the street, one could ask.”
Like so many of Michael’s artworks, they can be viewed, enjoyed and contemplated from multiple perspectives.
“I would like to give them the option of one way or the other to hang it. To feel in what they see, what moves them and how it sits for them.
When horizontal it is called….“Fighting in the Street”
When vertical it is called… “Why was there no dancing in the street?”
Oh and Michael also added “None of you are protestant are you? Because you're not allowed to buy this!! I'm sorry, it is just a principle of the Pope. And I have to follow his lead,” to which he burst out in his trademark wry and cheeky laughter knowing he is being both disruptive, given his strict Catholic upbringing and silly at the same time.
Size: 152 x 50cm
Price: $1500 (excl. GST & shipping) - SOLD
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